
I'm known as Mex (not Mexican)

>Main directory of various dreams and nightmares

Points of interests

>Happy Telephone

                      -‐―━‐-                 _,,  ' "´         `ヽ                 /⌒   /         \   \               ,:′    /             \                /          |               ゙;.             ,:′     i     _,.L._         ヽ  ‘,            /    i ,,.斗f、    ! \`ヽ      ∧  i              ,'  〃 | '" 从| \  |ゞア芹ミヾ.      } 从               i   i'   ゞア芹ミヾ、\〃代心.}ヽ〉  |    i.| i           八  |   〃代心}     乂zツ彳 \|   从 |               ヽ人  i|八ゞzソ ,       ノ厶イ ,イ i!`ゝ                 ∨リ ハ    r―     /ノi| )i/}! i乂                从   ゝ    ゝ ノ  イ|从У /|ノ_   _                 \((、i 〕is。., _,.。g个爪ノ〈 ノ(  '´⌒γ⌒ヾ:,               _  `ヽ)厶イ刈////"´ Уト、___{   /    }                〃 ̄`ヾ、,,〉./.::::}// _/.::::::::::::::/≧コ〃    ノ              _||____,ζ//.::::::::::}/  /.::::::::::::::::://辷ソ   /            /ニニニ=‐-`ヽ//.::::::::::::}_/.::::::::::::::::::::://辷},j`ヽ/           /ニニニニニニ=‐\::::'゙´/|\::::::::::::::::::::://辷}j   /i}ヾ\    /`ヽ . /ニニニニニニニニニ=‐-\/∧〉 \:::::::::::://辷ソ    i}   ヽ   i     ∨/ニニニニ=‐-ヽヽニニニ=‐-\j γ  ̄ ` ヽ辷ノ  /   i}    }   |   /ニニニニニニ≧; ヽニニ(\ヘ、ヽ、____ノ}   ,:'     }   !   /:::::::::/ニニニニニニニニi:::::}ニ(\  /ζ"\ ̄ノ   /      i}   /   |::::::,ノニニニニニニニニニ}::::}(ヾ、 /辷〉     \'" {/       }   ,:′ .   ̄`{ニニニニニニニニニニ}::::}ニヽ_/辷〉        \{       },/      {ニニニニニニニニニ}:::}ニニ/辷〉::.         \       !

Contact: mexshrimpfry on both Twitter and Discord, mexiuwexiu@gmail.com

Slight edits made by Saya